Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dark Times

Dark times these, where we sit and hold ourselves and wonder if what we see is really the truth or its shadow (allegory of the cave). what if i live in this world where fantacy is reallity and life is death so when i die i am awake in full force and my soul plasma recons consciousness. philosophy taught me the wisdom of love, to embrace embarassments as they come. i belong to the realistic school of negritude ideologies are just held up firts that climb up the spine into the brain and light the biogas fuelled light bulb.
Such times require one to question their existencialism...'why am i here?'...'of what use am i?' i refuse to cling to the communistic misconceptions of paradise, my thoughts are mine, my philosophy my pride.
So i question my wisdom and who i am in wisdom and a reconning of sorts comes to light... these indeed, are DARK TIMES.