Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Postmordernism: Contradictionism and other isms

I am a firm believer in the relationship between faith and reason. Thomas Aquinas definitely knew what he was talking about when he introduced these two elements into Christian thought. Faith which is the belief of the unseen versus reason the pursuit of fact and understanding. Two opposing forces which when used hand in hand make a lot of sense.
From the debate held in class, I must admit I was let down by ‘the Christians’ in that they failed to give me the reason why I should believe in Jesus Christ and consequently God. Their arguments were based on vague explanations of an invisible being who made everything make sense but left me asking more questions than I thought I had. The funniest thing was instead of answers I was told to believe. One more question I may ask… believe in what?!
Faith compels me to believe. How can I believe when I do not know what I am laying my belief on? Christians tell me to have faith, does having faith mean letting go of the quest in which we all take to make sense of this world and make meaning of our being? I believe that in order for one to understand life, one must understand himself or herself. Christianity gives me this person in whom I should put my trust in, and expects me to follow Him yet I need Him to give me answers so that I can know myself and thus know Him and how He impacts my life. But he does not give me the answers as I want them.
The Christians failed to show me how this man can give me what I need in life. They failed to give me the reasons as to why I should follow this Christ and how he can impact my life in a relevant way that fits into my situation as a young man in this world.
Thinking about it, I now know why guys shun Christianity and why people jump to other forms of belief or philosophies in an attempt to find the answers to life’s greatest mysteries. We need answers and we need to know how these answers are got and how they can help me. The truth is however that Christ is the answer and He is all we need. Faith begins by believing, reason begins by choosing to see the fruits of your faith. Knowing your blessings and applying them. Reason in faith would get us going for a good number of pages but one form of belief which I feel is as a result of failure to get answers is postmodernism.
Postmodern philosophy states that there are no absolute truths and that truth is subjective. This is however a contradiction since the statement in itself is absolute. If a way of thinking shows shaky ground from the definition why then would I follow it?
This philosophy teaches that truth is relative and there are no absolute statements, yet this in itself is an absolute statement. I feel the need to repeat this point because once we get it we get the absurdity of postmodernism. A culture where anything goes is a lost culture. The statement that all roads lead to a divine being shows belief in a divine being and thus a reflection of a people so weak in faith that they would rather define their own existence and that of their God.
When faith is more than reason, then religion becomes absurd and when reason becomes more than faith, we ‘logicalize’ the Bible and end up becoming our own high priest and disciple. We teach ourselves our own doctrine; an analogy for this would be an individual feeding from their waste. Harsh as it may be the truth of the matter is we cannot come up with our own truths, not unless we believe that we came to this world out of our own doing and that we control each and every aspect of our being. Postmodernism until there holds no water. If you add the flimsy argument that all roads lead to a divine being we pour the water because if we are the captains of our own ships, where does this divine being come in?
All we need is a firm balance between faith and reason. Believe in this divine being and reason out a plan how you and Him will relate in this life. The reason why I did not believe the Christians is because they gave me no reason to have faith; the postmodernists however, showed me the absurdity in reasoning past faith and past even reason itself. Human wisdom might make sense and give a sense of meaning in this life but Christ is the meaning and the reason for my faith in Him is the things He has done for me and the places we have been through together. I like the postmodernists have decided to see His works in my life unlike the postmodernist however, I have decided to use his wisdom which compared to mine and theirs is foolishness.
In closing, dear postmodernist, you cannot state your belief in no absolutes by using an absolute. Get rid of the contradictions and know that your belief in a divine being shows something more than just your choice in doing so. And finally, in a world where humanity has failed as a result of ‘isms’ do you really think that postmodernism is the way? At least there is no such thing as ‘Christianism’.